Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love to solve these kinds of PROBLEMS ...

For a couple of months I have heard from key staff that they could not search and find 'some' lines code parts that they KNEW they had sold .. eg: WPC or KST ( Worldpac or eKeystone )

Finally -- we get an answer from hte help desk .... what these lines have in common is --they all have LONG PART NUMBERS .... and the setting in VENDOR>>LINE>>LINE ENTRY .... see image -- change from Alpha Numeric to ALPHA-Long Pad ....then change the length from default 8 to '15' ...and update.

This will make life SO MUCH EASIER now ... finding parts sold in WPC or KST using parts ledger or LISA.

Good catch Ryan, Matt and the guys at D&T for sharing this find.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Vacation over -- lets get back to work ....

the last 2 months have been quiet on this blog -- gee ... can it have a bearing on the fact that Greg H was on vacation in Calif for that period ... well ... I am back ... lets see how we can get the ball rolling again. Once I clear some ...err ...paper work...