Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the wrong thing at the right time

this BLOG is the WRONG THING --- but something is needed ---for this is the RIGHT TIME for feedback.

What's wrong with the BLOG -- we have a hard time getting the verbal complaints into words - jobbers on the list are busy ( and in some cases very busy in part to staff shortages) --so a BLOG with limited what's new -- isn't much of a BLOG ... and for that we apologize to our ever growing list of readers. IF you would like to be an author and write articles on your experience with Exploris - drop me a line at info at dtauto dot ca (you know what to change and I avoid 100 more spam e-mails on money won in Nigeria if I avoid showing my e-mail address. Please drop a note on what and why, how & when ....tell us something about yourself

SO -- if a BLOG is the wrong thing - what could be better.

WIKI -- we urged Joe Z and the band of advisors that a WIKI is a great way to have the users make a users guide and a 'tips and tricks' documents. If you have not used a wiki before -- try www.wikipedia.org for a start and google the term WIKI. It allows users to add (or delete ) data on a variety of subjects. Imagine who a Exploris manual would look written by USERS! for USERS! If you are still a disbeliever you must NOT be impressed with wikipedia --an encyclopedia written by USERS for USERS.

Another item strongly pushed as a MESSAGE BOARD ( somethings called a discussion board or forum ). Worldpac has a disabled forum you can access on a lower left link in speedDial. A truly great message board is the worldpac one for their REGULAR repair garages - unfortunately we don;t have access - but anyone with the garage account can see what users say to other users. Message boards are available for any number of topics from bird watching to .....well ...everything .... you can soon tell what message boards have enough users to make them work -- each message boards needs NEW data daily to make it work and to get you back a timely manner.

Both of these suggestions fell upon deaf ears (repeatedly) .... time will be the judge of their actions. It does seem a shame that GPI ignored technology options that so many others use.

So -- we are stuck with BLOGS .... calling additional people who would like to post timely tips and tricks to make Exploris better ... e-mail me at info at dtauto dot ca.


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