Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Avoiding the obvious - letting users help users ....

Senior management at GPI have steadfastly ignored the obvious - the POWER of message boards ( sometime called discussion boards or forum ).

A token attempt had 20 users from Exploris user advisory council try ... 20 is not large enough. That was dismal

Take World Pac ... the single lonely ( and almost totally un-noticed board for the next gen e-cat ) is available at the bottom of speedDIAL main page. Then compare that to the message boards at the 'garage' user for Worldpac - truly a dynamic board with TONS of activity ( you need a non-CARQUEST account to see these message boards )

Click on images to see difference

Message boards allow users to ask questions and help one another ...oh ...yeh ...there is some bitching that goes on ...but once you have a healthy environment the bitching simmers down and the work gets underway. If you don't try any message boards --you owe it to yourself to pick a passion or hobby and seek out a message board on the topic -( hint -- try travel or cars ). Just google it.

Once better --if you have computer problems - lots of great message boards. Note --there is an etiquette for new users to follow - first you 'lurk' --or just look and pick up on the tone of the group. One big 'faux pas' is to TYPE WITH ALL CAPITALS ... users will think you are SHOUTING.

Imagine a forum for power users to really get good - or a separate forum for new users to learn faster?

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