Monday, March 2, 2009

Tip from Brandon - selling Cores to fellow Jobbers

This was posted on the CARQUEST Jobbers message board *** click here for forum main page - you must REGISTER to see this post ***

Brandon let us copy for other CQ Jobbers to share on Exploris .... thanks Brandon

Here in my area we have a few friendly CQ stores that we deal with when we're out of stock or looking for a item that we wouldn't think of stocking, but they may have a niche market for.

It was brought to my attention after a few months of running exploris that we had been charging a mark up on our cores (only lines DSA, CAL, and REB). I found this surprising since it was explained to our BT that installed our Exploris system that we trade items back and forth between these stores and we do not want any markup on the items. I was feeling lazy last night so I decided to use the BT help line, talked to a tech, he said he'd get back to me about how to find a solution to the core mark up. I got bored of waiting so I proceeded to try to find a solution to the problem myself. Needless to say it took a good 2 hours for him to get back to me, by that time the solution was already discovered by myself, the tech fixed it remotely (and wrong might I add) so I had to fix it again.

At any rate, if you have a friendly store that you trade back and forth you should check the billing of your cores, to do this it's quite simple (Not needing 2 hours to figure out the problem). Go to your F4 screen, type in the customer, on the bottom left hand corner there is a button named PRICE PLANS click on that. On the left side of the screen, fourth item down, there is a heading CHARGE CORE, on the drop down menu this should read CORE COST. Ours was set to the default of CORE PRICE which is incorrect (mark up), the BT line set it to NO CHARGE, which means we'd be losing money. Take a look to see if it's set correctly. And if it's not, have fun crediting back your days profits for cores sold in the last year or so.


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