Tuesday, November 1, 2011

DFIU -the Import utility written ... badly ?

I was talking with some jobbers a while back and they had yet to try importing data for X Lines into Exploris - they said they were waiting for DFIU ( Data File Import Utility ) .... well ... if they thought DFIU would make learning excel any easier -- they sure were wrong.

I like to think I am pretty good in excel .. but DFIU taxes your ability.

Here is a summary - this has been areal pain to get a grip on.
1) make a template - the one CQ  gave us is poorly ordered ... we start with part # ( ignoring the line code in excel -as you have to define that in DFIU ...and go in the same order as the field questions
2) format all prices with TWO DECIMAL PLACES as standard in your template - be aware that DFIU ignores decimal point and takes the two right hand digits as pennies .... for $30 becomes 30 cents ... selling at a loss ( are we ? )
3) one might have thought they would have formatted DFIU for excel -- but you are better off ( who knows why - but the smart guys on the help desk that I trust - say so ) using CSV ( you have two different types of CSV if you dig deep enough ... the DOS CSV will error right away - like on huge run-on sentence - so use Windows CSV)
4) open in MS Word - change preferences to show invisible characters ( like carriage returns ) and look for BLANK LINES ...they will look like this ....  in MS Word you can save and it will save like the format it opened up - in this case CSV

Another Great Tip ( thanks Dick from Lansing ) is if you have multi store -- you can use the mass import from store #1 to other stores ... however as of yesterday this way seems to be broken ...so you have to REPEAT the process to add for additional stores ... until tier two figures out the problem (call #1975227)

Give DFIU a grade --- hmm ... at this point .... C-

***********  update ********  the Multi-Location Mass Update ... is indeed broken -- gone from Tier 2 to WHI programmers ....  I have asked if the Creator/Editor is also broken .... awaiting that reply *****

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