Saturday, December 29, 2007

billing schedules

the worst part of the new system. No longer are models available for pricing. You virtually have to enter billing changes by customer. You can enter group changes , but you have to select the customers that you want to change, there is no function that allows you to save that group of customers for future changes. If you wish to change an existing pricing level, you will have to do it individually by customer. The system will not allow you to enter a correction and have that new correction over write the existing price that you want to change. In fact the system would actully enter a new price exception, thus creating 2 price exceptions for a product , subline. The billing schedule as it is now is cumbersome, we need to be able to preselct groups or create models to make this simpler.


Anonymous said...

The newly released Gross Profit Tool will simplify the massive updates to multiple exceptions. Your Account Executive should have this available to install on your workstations.

Also Release 50 was last slated to have major pricing enhancements to include "price like" and "model" customers similar to how you were accustom to J-Con. It was also scheduled to have flags for MI types. Final release and functionality are always subject to change.

Greg H said...

Bob Miller says the pricing tool not yet available - doing testing then he is to be one of the first approx mid-month to test