Wednesday, February 20, 2008

work around for MERGING two sets of data

Until we get a better multi-store reporting system --you early adopters might have to do a work around to MERGE several stores data onto one report. I will also mention this on the sister blog J-Con Tips -- click here to see it as they have a similar need

So you have two (lets keep it simple to start ) stores -- and you want to see the line code sales for each line -- by store -- on ONE LINE ...see the picture examples - you can click on the images to make them larger.

Excel has some functions built in like VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP ( yep--click to see more--or google the term )

But if you have the time -a more complex byt accurate method is this excel formula
=INDEX( range of 2nd data , MATCH( part # on first data, range of part numbers on second data, 0 ), x where x is the column number in the 2nd data you want to bring back )

We will post examples of how this works in the future

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