Thursday, February 7, 2008

X Line Data part 3 - adding new parts

Late flash - I have been told that the same template is used for adding new part #'s as well.

Hmm - lets think now -- say you have the line FRAM - they send you a list of approx 4,000 parts - you clean up and send in - you will automatically get all the NEW parts that Fram has added into their system - good ... how will you identify the parts that FRAM has dropped and perhaps they no longer send in the data -- we may need a report of parts that did NOT GET updated in your X line.

On the other hand - there is still some question as to how you can DELETE parts from your data base ( and how you might do it in multi-store ?? )

General Points
- should you remove the dashes and slashes from parts in your X line? There is a bigger question --what did you do when you did the original IMPORT? Why does the system make such an issue for dashes and slashes??? Other systems treat them as transparent - but not Exploris. If any reader has more info - appreciate feedback. This will be a HUGE issue I think.

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