Friday, April 18, 2008


I have done alot of testing on forcasting. I find this works best for me, I set the days of inventory like this :
1.1-1.9 30 days
2.1-2.9 40 days
3.1-3.9 50 days
4.1-4.9 60 days
5.1-5.9 70 days
6.1-6.9 80 days
7.1-7.9 90 days
8.1-8.8 100 days

I set my store template like that, see images above. Also don't forget to set your days of inventory to ZERO of any movement code outside your stock depth, only way for it to pull sales outside your stock depth. EG if stock depth is 5.9, leave 6.1 and up blank or ZERO and set SALES OVERRIDE field to how many sales you need before you trigger order point outside your stock depth EG set it to 3 and anything you sell 3 or more over movement code 6 it will trigger an order point.

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