Friday, April 18, 2008

Quick tip for sorting FRI to save $

Spent some time on this and it is well worth it. Save alot of inventory $, alot easier in exploris then J-CON. First thing change sort code to BODY-PREFIX-SUFFIX. Then just forcast as per your profile you have set, once in the forcasting data select to view ALL PARTS. This will give you everything, but you will find alot of parts you don't need to stock that are movement codes one EG BMD52 is a 1.2 sold only 6, BCD52 sold 24. Very easy to do and all the data is right there on one page. Hope this is useful???

1 comment:

Greg H said...

Bob -- good point -- as a test some time ( in the winter when we all have more time?) - dump your friction into Excel - and you can also include the X lines and the older BSP line - it is very telling when you sort pads by the base number ( put all the 369 pads together for example ) and see how your sales are ... especially if you are multi-store. Doing a normal move up in the old J-Con way - you will have HUGE inventories of dog items