Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wish # 6033 - re-schedule counts for any changed part

I was at SMH ( sells fork lift parts ) and they told us in passing on this ---
If something is WRONG on their count and they correct -- the SAME PART is added to a COUNT LIST REPORT two days latter ---to ensure the problem is correct. The more I think about this the better I LOVE this idea. 

For example - in two days 
-the missing part has been returned from underneath the counterman's desk 
-the missing part was found out of order (the 3 foot rule - look in a 3 foot radius for the missing part ) 
- got any other points to add ? 
This is really a GREAT IDEA --is there any way we could add this as an option to Exploris ?  I CC Tom was it is probably a great idea for all warehouses as well ( or maybe they do it -- and never shared this great idea with the jobbers ? )
how does Exploris handle CYCLE COUNTS?  Can we set up automatically in Exploris????  Or is this a further request ??

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