Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Exploris Wish # 6039 - systems approach to CASH SALES customer status

Can we have review on cash sales and see if we can add more of a 'systems' approach.

Issue -- default cash customer ( typically customer #1 but can be set to anything ) lacks some features.  The missing features need to be applied to all account numbers set as CASH

- ability to get reports on HOW MANY cash customers are 'tagged' to this account ( pretty basic )
- ability to get sales stats on above customers within each account
- these would be nice to have
-ability to flag notes for any customer for set criteria within the cash customer number - for example = pop a note on any customer with more than $1000 in sales YTD ( the exact $$ set by store ) and then we can explain how we will MOVE the customer to the NEXT status level
-ability to confirm that customer allows e-mail - and offer e-mail specials for those who opt in ( require Marketing Dept help & co-operation)

- ability to set sales criteria and MOVE any customers to another base level cash account --say --from one tagged with billing schedule #1 to a billing schedule #2

- this one involved co-operation with Marketing  -- but have a coffee with the marketing dept - find out who killed the cash customer PERFERRED CARD we briefly saw a few years ago - and see if-when we can have it back - what a WONDERFUL marketing tool to be used to motivate our better customers to buy more from CARQUEST in return for customer  perks and specials.

A combination of minds - Jobbers - Marketing - IT -- we can make the cash customer 'system' really work for us.  At present it is only piece meal and fragmented.  So much more can be gained.

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