Thursday, December 30, 2010

Is it a Mistake --or is it a RIP-OFF ???

Bob Miller spots these kinds of mistakes -- for that he is my hero of the year in Exploris. He has mentioned this over the past year a couple of times -- so tell me -- is this a simple BUG in Exploris -- or is this a RIP OFF there GPI is pocketing extra profits at our expense ---

ISSUE --if you sell ANY non-active part that has a rebate on that line -- you do NOT get the rebate ... this is a known problem for some time ... always promised to be fixed ... but what Bob tells me --the problem is still here,

How can you tell -- he suggests going to LISA ( see image ) and pick - say ECC and set some criteria
-how long --do back a month -or go back a year -- you pick
-select B/O buy outs -- for things not from stock
-select gross margin less than our test we used 30%

How many parts --these are probably parts you did NOT have in your ACTIVE system -- and as such are parts you DID NOT get rebated .... if you sold a 2nd time -since the part has become an active part - your rebate will happen as it should --but you are OUT $$ from the non-active parts

Options - 1) send a bill for missing rebates the list report - and claim your rebate

2) bitch - and why not suggest they DROP the rebates .... give us a NET price ....

3) call the help desk --and request they add every part in ECC -- they can do this ... once you add every part - you will NOT miss a rebate .... well..that is until next week when they add some more new parts to the warehouse data file .... FYI -- Bob has approx 3000 parts ( you can see how many you have - go to REPORTS>>> INVENTORY >> Inventory Cost Report ...preview ... our stores have over 4600 parts --- so our extra coverage resulted in us having fewer examples of missed rebates - but we still have them and will claim the missing rebate....

Good catch Bob

1 comment:

Greg H said...

Mike Washing calls me - says this mistake was known to him in 2007 -- what a long time to flush errors from system -- been told this mistake set for correction in late spring 2011 - is ironic that by that time --most rebates are flushed out of system - further -- ECC is NOT a rebate line in USA ( found that out ) - amazing how our lines differ from Can to USA