Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Basic Omissions .... NO Wildcard Search in Part Numbers

Omissions - there might be none GREATER than the fact ...that ...there is no wildcard search for part numbers .... we know part of the number but are missing some part ...

Now --in EXPLORIS view--that missing part has t be at the first .... as the 'percentage sign (%) can only be used at the beginning --for other uses  ... get  %234 ... covers for 11234 and 1111234 etc etc.   Wildcards should be able to be used ANYWHERE ...

So -- Dane --  when do we get wildcard searched for the counterman ....  call # 206 9403

This was Gary's first call to the help desk - love that new staff training ... but what a weak reply.....

ps - anyone noticed the HUGE wait for the help desk these days .... thank goodness we can go on with other work while we wait and wait and wait ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If in POS click on the PN/SKU/UPC. The '%' will work at the beginning, middle or end. The '*' can also be used instead of the '%'.

Also you can use the '_' character to wildcard a single character.
Ex. 8__0S I'm looking for 8660S seal but the 66 is missing.