Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Wildcard ... hmm ... are we wrong ... ?

A great comment was posted on the most recent post about missing wildcard searchers .....

From: Anonymous <>
Subject: [Exploris Computer - Tips & Tricks] New comment on Basic Omissions .... NO Wildcard Search in Part Nu....
Date: 20 December, 2011 7:08:44 PM EST
To: xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Basic Omissions .... NO Wildcard Search in Part Nu...":

If in POS click on the PN/SKU/UPC. The '%' will work at the beginning, middle or end. The '*' can also be used instead of the '%'.

Also you can use the '_' character to wildcard a single character.
Ex. 8__0S I'm looking for 8660S seal but the 66 is missing.

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Here are some screen images .... showing the points .... NOTE -- we can't figure out the 'beginning' wild card search ...  but the MIDDLE and ENDING wild card searches  -- thank you so much for that clarification .... it reminds us that sometimes we need a verification on some 'issues'  ..that the help desk are sometimes wrong ...

Here is the % in the middle  ... the * or % can be used ...go try it
Here are examples of the underscore to represent a single unknown digit ( used less often )

and the wild card search at the rear of the part

Now --how to make the wild card search work at the beginning of the part  ....

REMEMBER -- open the parts box for this search ... try it ... that is how you learn


Anonymous said...

To use the wildcard at the beginning you have to put the wildcard in brackets. [%] or [*] or [_] or [?]
Forgot to mention that ? works the same as % *

Anonymous said...

From my previous comment...Forget about the ? as a wildcard. Not sure whats is parameters are but it doesn't work the same as % or *. Sorry for the confusion.

Anonymous said...

The ? works like the _...Single character replacement.