Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wish #6004 - visual differences in Model to Individual pricing plans

May I request (and hopefully it was anticipated ) for V50.x that we have the option to compare Model customer to Individual Customer for DIFFERENCES only as an option.

Perhaps is could be similar to this - the MODEL is on the LEFT and the Individual customer is on the right - with all exceptions streaming below. Click a button to remove( mask ) all exceptions that are COMMON to the Individual that are part of the parent Model so only the tur differences show - so we can review the differences can we reviewed and confirmed or modified.

In J-Con we did NOT have an easy way to compare the model to the individual. We would really appreciate such ease in v50.x

The image below is a rough suggested grabbed from google quickly - for visual impact only.

Update - added 7-29-2010 *** this request is withdrawn - the solution on V50 is adequate to the task and improves upon what we had in J-Con ***

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