Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wish # 6013 - missing option in FORECASTING to adjust levels

In FORECASTING there is something missing - there needs to be an option to ADJUST existing stock levels based upon sales levels.  There is a way to ADD level for parts OUTSIDE the ales class  threshold ( eg if you sell 8 of something in sales class 7 and your P/N level is set to 5.8 -- it will add one ).  BUT there is NO WAY to adjust stocking levels for parts that CLIMB or DIVE in sales that are in our stock.

A  good example will be  stock levels on BDR 5580 rotors -- this level will be set HI and as sales continue to decline --what mechanism is there to pare back stocking levels ... or conversely on items that start to rapidly increase -- the forecast program doesn't pick these up to INCREASE stock levels.

In the image attached - this missing section handles the GROWTH and DECLINE phase - while the existing handles the DEVELOPMENT & INTRODUCTION phase well.  Thanks to Dave W for help on  this

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