Monday, January 25, 2010

Wish # 6025 - Make posting payments MUCH FASTER into A/R

Wish #6025 - to speed up the process of applying payments ( mostly for open Item accounts ).  The Exploris system is MUCH MORE labor intensive than the J-Con system that CARQUEST had used previously.

1) make a ONE STEP posting process for the Back Office.   Keep the current two step process for any cheques taken the counter staff - but allow us a Simplified ( like J-Con ) one step process for the back office - this will speed up the process
2) require the software to be optimized for speed --when applying invoices the system takes TOO LONG on a large customer - delays of several minutes are not uncommon - while this is happening the staff member must idly wait - losing productivity.
3) have a toggle switch that allows us to NOT have the system apply payments to CURRENT CREDITS.  If some stores want this --fine -- but we have three stores and one Office Manager who definitely doesn't want this and it makes more time for us to reverse the changes.

LOOK at the process - we want faster and easier - not slower & more cumbersome.  For everything.

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