Monday, January 25, 2010

Wish # 6027 - E-mail invocie re-prints from any store

Wish # 6027 - in Multi-store at present you must be in that store if you want to e-mail a copy of an invoice to a customer. Lets say you have a large customer who buys from a handful of your stores ... and they want 10 copies of missing invoice - your office must figure out what store did the invoice and log into that store then send that invoice. And go the next store and do the same --so on and so on. If you have COMMON A/R -- you are not expecting to have to do this in a TRUE MULTI-STORE environment. You would expect to go to the customer file and identify the invoices and flag for copies to be sent - one job from one ( any ? ) store. We need multi-store a LOT more like what a multi-store system should be. We do NOT need to repeat steps because of a poor design. Help us IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY in all Multi-store CARQUEST stores... please ( call # 1051159 )

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