Monday, June 14, 2010

EXPLORIS Wish #6047 - option on AR reports for unapplied credits

A small but helpful option -- have a optional check box in store set up to allow stores who want this -- to re-age UNAPPLIED PENDING CREDITS back to the AGING BUCKET where they belong.

In the example - that the $471 credit and re-apply top the OVER 90 bucket so the customer is in a Credit position.

Hey - if the office doesn't want to apply that credit until we know what the customers A/R open item person is doing - fine --but -- don;t make it hard on the staff who have to identify and change customer setting looking for the customers who need work on collecting OVERDUE A/R

This is call #1205841 now being reviewed by Randy Mikesell. This has been run past Walker Rd Auto ( Bob Miller ) and he is either being kind or sees the merit and has said he supports this. What is annoying is the help desk says that NO OTHER JOBBER has ever requested this. Do you support this OPTIONAL way to report overdue AR. Remember -we are asking for a check box --if you want it the OLD way - leave it un-checked -- but if you would rather have the unapplied credits re-set into their correct aging buckets you check the box -and you have data the way it helps you to best spot overdue accounts.

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