Monday, August 29, 2011

How to CRASH your EXPLORIS Terminal 101

Shawn at Auto Barn has been outspoken on why he dislikes being stuck with the 'MASTER TERMINAL' on his PC ....

He has this tip -- source an order in your Invoice Screen at the same time a Web-Link order is coming thru --and you CRASH your MASTER Terminal.

Sure hope someone reads this from Raleigh and finally gets this fixed .... and click here for more on MASTER TERMINAL BS

Note - Master terminal is the one hat handles WEB-LINK orders and holds data when internet is off line.

This is call # 1834323

1 comment:

Jay said...

Knowing that any terminal can be "master terminal" - why not set an office terminal up for it - or the terminal used the least?

Unfortunantly - i use the master terminal in our store - and it runs fine. Just as fast as the others, however - i keep the internet history clean- delete cookies regularly....

I use the master terminal much much more than any other terminal - with no issues.
